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Scout Accounts

A Scout Account can be thought of as a personal “bank” account that can be used to fund a Scout’s activities and participation in the troop.

For continuing Scouts, Scout Accounts are funded through the troop’s fundraising efforts. These represent a portion of the troop’s fundraising that is allocated for a Scout’s use to fund Scouting activities and Scouting-related outfitting and equipment needs.

For new-to-Troop 23 Scouts, families are welcome to make a deposit into their son’s Scout Account so that he will have money accessible in case he needs to pay for Grubmaster or other fees and does not have cash on hand. Troop 23 encourages depositing $20 initially and then $20 increments as needed. Alternatively, some Scouts keep $15 to $20 in their book-cover pockets or uniform pockets to use for periodic Scouting expenses.

For each fundraising season, administration of Scout Account crediting does not occur until all funds are collected. If a Scout has turned in all his sales receipts, he can request a credit against his accrued commissions prior to the funding of the Scout Accounts. This credit can be used for annual dues or other troop activities. The Treasurer is responsible for determining the credit available and administration of Scout Accounts.

Deposits can also be made directly by the Scout or parent by providing funds to the Treasurer.

Withdrawals from Scout Accounts can be made on a weekly basis at regular Troop Meetings by submitting a Scout Account Withdrawal Form to the Troop Treasurer. Receipts for reimbursement for Scouting equipment from external vendors are required for payment and should accompany the signed withdrawal form. A check can also be made payable to an external vendor when documentation is provided showing that the expense is Scouting related.

Occasionally, funds may be deposited to Scout Accounts as reimbursements for approved troop expenses or due to overpayments made to the troop via cash or check. This is an accommodation made at the discretion of the Treasurer for ease of administration. Any funds deposited to a Scout Account from this source can be requested at a regular troop meeting and are payable on demand to the appropriate party.

All Scout Account withdrawals are made subject to the requestor being in good financial standing with the troop.

Scouts transferring to another troop can make a request to have their Scout Account balance paid to their successor troop using the Troop 23 Request to Transfer Scout Account Funds. It will be up to the policies of the new troop to distribute funds for the benefit of the Scout. Likewise, any inbound transfer of funds will adhere to the policies of Troop 23.

Scouts aging out of the troop or leaving Scouting prior to age 18 can submit receipts for up to six months after leaving the troop requesting reimbursements. Eagle Scouts aging out can submit for up to three years. Scouts who age out and become active adult leaders in the troop can maintain their account for an indefinite period of time at the discretion of the Troop Committee or until the account is depleted. Alternatively, a Scout who leaves the troop for any reason can request that their balance be transferred to a sibling who is an active member of the troop.

Scout Account balances that go unclaimed will go to the troop’s general fund or other troop account at the discretion of the committee.

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