Advancement in Troop 23
Rank advancement is the central mechanism of Boy Scouts, and much of the program is structured around it. Advancement requirements are laid out in the Scouts BSA Handbook for Boys and most of the resources for rank advancement can also be found in the Handbook. However, there are other details to rank advancement that the book does not cover, and many Scouts end up confused about these details. Here those details are clearly stated and readily accessible.
Troop 23 will provide the opportunity, the facility, and the instructors for advancement. However, Scouts themselves must put forth the necessary initiative and effort to work on requirements and move forward. Parental interest in his work will greatly boost its importance in his eyes, and an occasional reminder or word of encouragement will often assist Scouts in focusing on the challenge.
New Scouts and their parents are required to review the Scout and Parent Guide in the front of the Handbook together. After reviewing it, the guide should be removed from the book and the parent should initial requirement six listed under the Scout Rank Requirements. Parents are not to sign any other requirements without prearrangement with the Scoutmaster.
All advancement from the rank of Scout to the rank of First Class happens within the confines of Troop Meetings, campouts, and Summer Camp and through and the accumulation of campouts and service hours. Advancement for higher ranks is accomplished through the completion of Merit Badges, participation in Scout leadership positions, and the accumulation of service hours. For Scouting America’s complete instructions on earning merit badges and the requirements for each of the 137 Merit Badges currently available see Merit Badges at For a complete list of area Merit Badge Counselors, visit the Advancement/Registration table at Monday night Troop Meetings.