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Expectations & Policies

Scout families can appreciate that when a group of 80 boys are assembled as a Scout Troop, a few basic rules and a common understanding are necessary, to achieve maximum results. Scouting is designed to help youth grow to be good citizens, friends and family members; and men of character and honor who make ethically sound decisions. Thus, parents and Scout Leaders share a common goal, and a continuing dialogue is needed to ensure unity in our purpose.

Scouting is fun but it is also very much part of a boy’s education, where he will learn many things to make him a better person. The troop EXPECTS him to act like a gentleman and live up to the Scout Oath and the Scout Law at all times. Leaders recognize that boys sometimes will get out of line; however, should Troop Leaders be unable to solve a problem, or if infractions of the rules are repeated, parents will be called upon to help. Corporal punishment is strictly forbidden, but bad behavior may result in temporary suspension of privileges.

Please click the topics below for additional information:
Attendance & Absences
Early/Late Arrivals and Departures — Troop Meetings
Early/Late Arrivals and Departures – Campouts
Uniforms & Gear
Troop 23 Scout Uniform
Uniform Components Provided by Troop 23 and Components Provided by Families
Uniform Policy for New Scouts
Uniform Policy at Troop Meetings
Troop 23 Uniform Exchange
Troop 23 Class B
Patrol & Personal Gear
Adult Involvement–Supporting Your Scout
Adult Involvement–Participant Requirements
Adult Involvement–Volunteers
Adult Involvement–Merit Badge Counselors
Adult Involvement–Patrol Advisors




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